When can I start PRP sessions after hair transplant?

You can start PRP sessions after 3rd month of your operation.

When can I smoke/drink alcohol after hair transplant?

We do not recommend smoke/drink alcohol in the first ten days of your surgery as it may cause inflammation and affects general healing process. You can use it after ten days.

When can I use Hair Fiber (spray to cover bald patches until the hair grows) after hair transplant?

You can use all hair products such as oil, cream, hair color, hair fiber, gels for transplant area 6 months after operation and for donor area 1 month after operation.

Can I do sports 1 month after surgery?

You can go to the gym, do sports 1 month after operation but heavy sports like foorball and weight lifting allowed to do after 2 months (after day 60) and it’s important to restart step by step, to begin with light weights and to increase the weights gradually.

Will my hair fall out if I stop using minoxidil?

No, if you reduce and stop using it by the time, it will not happen. Just do not stop using it suddenly.

Is hair removal laser allowed for face area 1 week after the operastion? Can this negatively affect on my new hair on transplanted area?

Yes, you can have it after 1 week. It won’t affect your new hair.

Is okay to remove head band just for head wash before 3 days or should I keep on?

You can remove while you are washing, then you should put it back.

How long do I have to use shampoo after hair transplant?

Continue to wash your hair once a day for 1 month with the shampoo provided to you at the clinic. After 1 month you can back to your normal routine.

Should I be worried that hair is falling out when I massage the transplant area during washing?

During shock loss, you can see your hair falling out. And it is totally normal for this period, don’t worry, that is part of the process. It will last for 2-2.5 months depending on a person, and permanent hair will start to grow from the 3rd month.

Why are the circular movement massages so important for the hair transplant?

It’s recommended to massage the scalp with the help of the fingertips with circular movements in order to activate the blood circulation and to speed up the healing process after hair transplant. A good blood circulation is important for a healthier hair regrowth and is recommended for everybody.